
When I was a teenager growing up in Toronto, I was invited to join a city wide choir of school children. At one of the rehearsals, I was told that because I could not read music I would not be allowed to stay in the choir. As a result, I did not sing in public again until . . .

A friend suggested that I might be interested in joining a local community choir where the ability to read music was not a requirement. What a joy to sing with other people again! Some five years on and now this senior citizen with physical challenges and hearing aids is part of a lively, welcoming and supportive group of people who love to sing. Sevenoaks Sings was created to serve our local community and anyone who joins is guaranteed a warm welcome. Not only do I sing in public again but I have even had the confidence to sing solos. If someone had told me that when I joined, I would simply not have believed them. Come and sing and see for yourself.