Music was a significant feature in my childhood and we had masses of records and a huge record player at home. I never studied music and though I had a few singing lessons over the years, I soon realised it would not allow me to give up my day job! But I have always loved singing all sorts of music, from choral pieces to musicals, only ever in school. Also, I always annoyed my brother by singing “Rooster Rag” from start to finish on long car journeys!
As a teacher I have been able to join in school choirs too and my journey to this choir began with my school Gospel choir – the link being the choir leader at the time. Since joining this choir I have continued my love of singing and especially singing with lots of other people and I know it has a huge positive impact on my overall happiness.
We are so lucky to have an amazing and inspirational leader and all the choir members are warm and welcoming, and great fun. We sing, we laugh, we sometimes do some moves, we perform and we socialise!”